
Black*Star x Male!Reader

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LuridFrost's avatar

Literature Text

In this story, you'll be a Meister. Horray!
Your weapon looks like the one Cloud is holding in this picture, Here, but a bit larger.
Now that we have that out of the way, lets get on with it!


    The voice was inaudible in the ears of the young man. Mostly because of the fact that they were blocked by a pair of headphones, blasting at full volume. They covered only part of a messy mop of [H/C] hair, which wasn't brushed. That hair commented on [E/C] eyes, not the brightest, but not dull, either. The lyrics of 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance were able to be heard from the loud volume, though faint.
The young male continued to walk down a hallway in the Death Weapon Meister Academy, heading to his class room.


   Once again, the voice was ignored. It belonged to a peppy male, who was also incredibly egoistic. His blue hair spiked out in resemblance of a star, and his green eyes were shining bright like a diamond. Or rather, a star. However, at the moment, he was annoyed instead of boasting. He'd called the [Brunette, Blackette, etc.] twice already and he hadn't heard! If he won't take the headphones off, I'll just take 'em off for him, he came to an internal conclusion. So, with barely any effort, he pushed them off the [Nationality]'s head.

 Time seemed to stop, and the young male named [Y/N] froze. The song still blasted, but it faded out in the serious atmosphere. You see, to [Y/N], his headphones were like his child. He cherished them and took very good care of them so they were always in the best shape. He did not tolerate anyone fucking around with his precious headphones. Unless, it was indeed the brash male who currently stood behind him.
[Y/N] turned around, [E/C] eyes shadowed by lowered bangs. He looked intimidating to most, but Black*Star didn't even know the meaning of the word.

"Who did that?"

  Gosh, even his voice darkened. A few passersby had quickly picked up their pace and headed to their classes. Soon, the hallway was rid of people, only a few students passing by to not be tardy. But being late was not a problem right now, the headphone matter was. [Y/N] clicked off his IPod, turning off the music. He bent down, picking up the fallen device, and checking it with ginger touches. They weren't tattered, scratched or broken, so a little bit of mercy would be casted upon the person who pushed them off, but not much.

"Jeez, dude, they're just headphones. Why don't you put them down and pay attention to a star like me? After all, it's hard not to, considering how bright I am."

  A prideful voice replied, and [Y/N] paused, knowing who it belonged to. He still felt the need to punch the Japanese Assassin in the face, but he couldn't exactly do that. Black*Star was a very strong Meister, and it was hard to land even a blow on him unless you were a higher class Meister, Weapon or overall fighter. Being a one star Meister without his weapon, [Y/N] couldn't really do much but self defense, and that certainly wouldn't work against Black*Star. The kid would just wipe him out with one hit of his Soul Wavelength! With an annoyed sigh, [Y/N] turned around to face Black*Star, lifting his head to reveal his narrowed [E/C] eyes once again.

 "First of all, I don't want you touching my headphones. Ever." The last part was laced with a murderous tone, "Second, what is it? And make it quick, we'll be late for class." 

    Black*Star was about to answer, but the tardy bell already rang. [Y/N] shrugged, "Tell me later, then!" Then was forced to run off, the blue-haired male catching up to him easily. It didn't take long until they reached the classroom door to bust it open, making everyone look at the two. Black*Star laughed obnoxiously and announced, "It's okay, guys, I've arrived!" before sitting down in his row of seats. [Y/N], who was gasping for air, went to his own row, which was right below Black*Star's. He sat down next to his own Weapon, Oblivion, who gave him a questioning glance. [Y/N] only replied with a whispered, "Issues" before facing the front of the room. Their teacher, Professor Stein, was dissecting a rare species of animal. Some were surprised that he'd steep so low to kill an endangered animal, others yawned in boredom and some were on the verge of throwing up. But the Professor didn't seem to care.

  "So, is this all he's been doing?" [Y/N] asked his weapon, who looked up from drawing in his sketchbook. "Yeah, but it's not surprising. The dude's insane. Hella hot, but insane." The [H/C] haired male flinched, "Did you just call the professor hot?" He only got a sheepish smile and a light blush as a reply. Rolling his eyes, [Y/N] opened some notes of his own, "Sicko." A playful smile was on his face, though.

While re-reading some sloppily written notes, [Y/N] felt a poke at the back of his head. He closed the notebook, looking behind him to find Black*Star. Blinking, [Y/N] said, "What's up?" Black*Star took back his hand, looking around first before opening his mouth.
"It's about what I wanted to tell you in the hallway." His voice was a whisper, which was extremely odd. The Assassin would always speak in the loudest of voices in claim of being a shining star, and that everyone should notice him. "Go on," The Meister had allowed his to continue, and would rather listen to a Black*Star rant then study while hearing the noises of flesh being stabbed.

"Well--" "Black*Star, stop talking. [Y/N], turn around." Bad timing. Of all the times he could've looked up, he had to choose now. How wonderful. Both obeyed, knowing that Stein was a fairly strict teacher at times. "Later, Black*Star. You can tell me after school's over." [Y/N]
whispered, going back to his notes. All he heard was an impatient groan from the Meister as he continued playing with his own hands. 
As he got settled again, he heard Stein say, "And this must be it's reproduction system."

[Y/N] tuned out the rest of the lesson.

~TimeSkip to when class ends.~

  [Y/N] and Oblivion both walked out together, a comfortable silence between the two as they did so. Well, it was silence, until a loud voice interrupted their calm and cool atmosphere.


Black*Star appeared before both suddenly, a huge, tooth-revealing smile on his face. [Y/N] looked down at his Weapon before replying.
"You can tell me what you wanted to now, Black*Star. But I suppose this is what it's for." Black*Star nodded, pointing an accusing finger to the slightly smaller male. The calloused hand was right in his face, making him bend back a bit. "I want you to battle me!" Well that wasn't surprising. [Y/N] knew of Black*Star's reputation of battling constantly, most of which he won. And he also noticed that Black*Star had gained a surprising losing streak. [Y/N] was an observant guy, and Assassin would never leave him alone. He noticed Oblivion's red eyes staring up at him with worry. "Should we do it? Black*Star is really strong, you might get pounded."

[Y/N] let his pride get to him. "Come on, Liv, don't chicken out," With that, he turned to the other Meister, a cocky smirk on his face. "Yeah, we'll battle you, and we're going to win!" Black*Star scoffed at this, crossing his arms, "As if! Compared to me, you two are barely even shadows!" As if on cue, Tsubaki showed up with Professor Stein, Maka, Soul, Kid, Liz and Patty. Looks like they were getting a small crowd for this one. Black*Star backed up a few steps back to let them be at a distance before getting in a battle position. He had ordered Tsubaki into her weapon form as he did so. [Y/N] ordered the same, and he took the giant sword into his dominate hand with ease, as if the heavy object were merely a soft feather. The two Meisters stood, only the rattle of Tsubaki's chains being heard.

"Right..." Stein adjusted his glasses, "Begin."

 Then Black*Star charged at [Y/N] with a great speed, taking the first move, as always. However, [Y/N] had been a witness to many of Black*Star's battles and had a basic knowledge of his moveset. And if he were lucky, Black*Star would save the trouble of using his Enchanted Sword Mode. He quickly lifted the wide and bulky sword up, providing a shield as Black*Star threw one side of his Chain Scythe at him. He then jumped back, went to Black*Star's side and tried to land an easy blow to his side by swinging the sword in a horizontal direction. However, Black*Star jumped out of the way before it could hit. They were both at a distance again.

 Now [Y/N] came running, sword high. Instead of swinging down like Black*Star expected, he maneuvered the weapon to the side, striking him. I've managed to hit him once... Now I've gotta watch out for that Enchanted Sword. When Black*Star got up, he just wiped some blood from his mouth and yelled, "Is that all you've got? Hah! I'll show you some real talent," He was still himself, even when wounded, "Speed*Star!" Crap. Black*Star vanished from sight, and [Y/N] looked around frantically, he was moving so fast, he couldn't see him!
Then Oblivion cried out a warning a bit too late, "[Y/N], watch out!" The chain of the weapon wrapped around him, preventing all movement.
"Shit!" [Y/N] spat out as Black*Star whipped him around into the ground, creating a large dent in the concrete. The chain unwrapped around him, and his bruised body struggled to get up.

"Maybe we should surrender? You've gotten a pretty bad beat down already..." Oblivion spoke, his voice a bit odd because he was in weapon form. [Y/N] just answered with a shake of his head. He then calmed down and whispered, "We're gunna use Witch Hunter, get ready." Oblivion nodded, "Right."

Then they both shouted, "Soul Resonance!" And their souls began to intertwine. The sword became a shiny rainbow like color, and the tip curved over in the shape of a moon or hook. "Witch Hunter!" Then [Y/N] swung the sword, a beam of light coming out and hitting Black*Star.
Since [Y/N] himself was weakened, it wasn't his best work, but it was enough to knock Black*Star off of his feet.

But the battle wasn't over yet.

Black*Star seemed to have had enough, "Tsubaki, Enchanted Sword Mode." Then the victor was decided right then and there. The next moments went by in a flash of events : Black*Star struck at [Y/N] from all angles at once, and at incredible speeds. [Y/N] couldn't even dodge. As Black*Star stood in all his glory, [Y/N] fell down, beaten. Oblivion came out of his weapon from, watching over his Meister immediately. "Liv, I'm fine." [Y/N] choked out with a half-witted smile.

Black*Star came over to them, offering a hand for [Y/N] to take, "As expected, I won. But I've gotta give you some credit. If you keep training, maybe you'll be half as great as me one day!" [Y/N] took his hand and got up, sad he had lost, but he was a good sport. "Thanks."

~TimeSkip to Late Evening~

[Y/N] was sitting on one of the cones that lined the DWMA building, watching the sun breath heavily and struggle to stay awake.
It's so loud... He thought. The orange sky provided a captivating light around the young male. Then he felt a presence behind him, and he looked up to see Black*Star. Knowing who it was, he turned back to looking at the sky. "What's up?" The Assassin sat next to him.
"You looked lonely, so I thought you'd want a star like me to keep you company and cheer you up." [Y/N] chuckled, turning around and subconsciously pressing a kiss to Black*Star's cheek. "That's sweet of you, but I was actually thinking of heading home. Wanna join me? Obliv's cooking." And though his face was a bright red from the kiss, he just nodded, "The dude's cooking is great! But not as great as me, of course."

[Y/N] laughed.

"Of course."
just a little thing I made. Because Black*Star is awesome.

if I got anything wrong, please tell me. its my first Soul Eater fanfiction. c:

but, anyways, I hope you enjoyed this

took me a while

but it was so worth it. probably my longest story


Soul Eater : Whoever made it

You : You

Story : Me
© 2014 - 2024 LuridFrost
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